How is RubyGems?

How is rubygems/rubygems?

Pull Requests

There are 30 pull requests open. The average pull request age is approximately 10 months and 3 weeks, and the oldest was opened on Sep 16, 2013.


There are 128 issues open. The average issue age is approximately 1 year and 3 months, and the oldest was opened on Jun 14, 2011.

Issues Per Label

type: feature request 35
status: working / ready 33
type: bug report 31
category - install 26
category - other 10
major bump 8
status: triage 7
category - gem spec 7
triage 7
platform: windows 6
performance 4
category - #gem or #require 3
category - command 3
type: documentation 3
category - API 2
platform: mac 1
status: backlog 1
platform: linux 1
(No label) 16