How is bundler?

How is bundler/bundler?

Monthly report, ending on April 3, 2017.

Excluding merges, 16 authors have pushed 59 commits to master and 78 commits to all branches. On master, 51 files have changed and there have been 638 additions and 151 deletions.

Pull Requests

There are 42 pull requests open.


There are 222 issues open.

Issues Per Label

type: feature-request 66
type: bug report 49
status: triage 28
status: working 27
status: ready 17
type: documentation 13
status: user feedback required 10
contribution: unclaimed 7
type: administrative 5
contribution: small 3
platform: jruby 3
status: confirmed 3
platform: rubinius 1
type: question 1
(No label) 55