How is rubygems?

How is rubygems/rubygems?

Monthly report, ending on June 2, 2017.

Excluding merges, 5 authors have pushed 7 commits to master and 10 commits to all branches. On master, 6 files have changed and there have been 17 additions and 10 deletions.

Pull Requests

There are 38 pull requests open.


There are 161 issues open.

Issues Per Label

status: triage 47
type: feature request 39
status: ready 29
type: bug report 28
category: install 25
platform: windows 11
contribution: unclaimed 9
category: other 8
category: gem spec 7
type: major bump 7
performance 4
category: #gem or #require 3
category: command 3
category: API 2
status: user feedback required 2
type: documentation 1
platform: linux 1
platform: osx 1
platform: java 1
type: cleanup 1
contribution: small 1
type: administrative 1
type: feature implementation 1
(No label) 16